Posts From July, 2024

Debauchery In the Olympic Games

Authored By: Mike Sonneveldt
Debauchery In the Olympic Games
The Olympic Ceremony of 2024 It’s a weird time to be alive. We’ve watched the age of reason push its way through the centuries and now we seem to be sitting in a weird waiting room of cultural collapse. It’s as though we’re watching Western civilization destroy itself in slow motion when in reality it is plummeting fast. From the Enlightenment to today, we’ve sprinted ourselves towards destruction. You may wonder what Western civilization and the Enlightenment have to do with what we witnessed at the Olympic Games, but a direct connection can and should be made. The Enlightenment During the Enlightenment, ideas such as science, skepticism, and rationality made massive inroads. These informed the zeitgeist of the last 300 or so years. The pursuit of… read more

What is Masculinity?

Authored By: Mike Sonneveldt
What is Masculinity?
What is Masculinity? Our culture spends a lot of time telling us all what it believes masculinity should be. The descriptions vary, but our culture hopes to sway all of us toward their view. While men have searched for masculinity since time began, the conversation rarely ever took such a controversial tone in popular society. Today, society cannot determine whether men or women are different. In the next breath, we argue that men can be women and vice versa. CS Lewis once said, “[The difference between the old and the new education being] in a word, the old was a kind of propagation – men transmitting manhood to men; the new is merely propaganda.” Don’t we feel this today? Couldn’t we argue that the new method of handling manhood is tantamount to brainwashing the youth in… read more

The Reasons We Celebrate

Authored By: Mike Sonneveldt
The Reasons We Celebrate
It’s not like Self-Evident doesn’t know when the 4th of July comes around. After all, the reason for the celebration is also the reason for our namesake. Without the Declaration of Independence, we would have never had the 4th of July. Plus, Self-Evident would have never come to be. Can you imagine? On the 4th of July, we as a nation reflect on what our founding fathers did to provide us with such amazing opportunities and blessings. We honor our struggle for independence and the dangerous step into a war with Britain to earn that independence. Our founders may have claimed independence on the 4th of July, but it took them seven years to prove it true. Thankfully, the war's end justified the Declaration of Independence and started America on a course of becoming a… read more
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