Posts in Category: Current Events

Our Public Response to The True Texas Project Controversy

Authored by: Self-Evident Ministries
Our Public Response to The True Texas Project Controversy
Recently, several articles published by Robert Downen and Juan Salinas II from The Texas Tribune sought to do damage to a True Texas Project event being held next month. Massey Campos and Mike Sonneveldt, from Self-Evident Ministries, are slated to be keynote speakers at the event, both before and after the breakout sessions. This event, a 15-year birthday celebration, will host speakers covering several major topics. The themes of the break-out sessions include titles such as "Multiculturalism and the War on White America", "Great Replacement Theory", "The Case for Christian Nationalism", "Is Christian Zionism Biblical?", and more. Of course, these topics make great fodder for those in the progressive camp. The issues are spicy enough to bait activist journalists and leaders… read more

American Government Introduces Legislation for Antisemitism Monitors

Authored By: Mike Sonneveldt
American Government Introduces Legislation for Antisemitism Monitors
You thought the worst of it was over. We watched the protests on college campuses and allowed the news of it all to blend in with the noise surrounding our everyday lives. After all, we have a 24/7 news cycle that continually brings things to our attention and then erases that with the next big story. However, the college campus protests and colonization (see what I did there?) are not subsiding. Instead, they are growing and spreading as students reach their last days of school before summer break. It Gets Worse Even though we may hope for a burn-out of this “pro-Palestine” fire, we will be sorely disappointed. Not only will the fire continue to spread and grow in the summer months, but the government is now getting more and more involved. This will not end… read more

The Debates Rage

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
Lately, I've been noticing a lot of firepower from a certain group of pastors/preachers against another group of pastors/preachers. That firepower is magnified by people on Facebook and Youtube proclaiming from the rooftops the point of view of these pastors, and throwing in their “amen” in the comments. It's been all over my feeds, shared by friends, discussed by friends in tension-filled conversations, and bandied about by every psuedo-theologian in practice today. I've seen the claims from some that others are practicing occult members, muslims in disguise, spiritists, and downright demonic. Since I have a platform, I'm going to air out my opinion. My heart is not to go after specific preachers, and I have no intention of starting a coup against anybody. More so, I think… read more

For Your Pastor

Author: Mike Sonneveldt
I spend a lot of time writing when I'm working on Self-Evident material. Most of you have probably already learned that a large amount of content produced by Self-Evident has been written in some way, shape, or form by yours truly. Producing content continues to be a passion of mine. I enjoy the research, I absolutely love to write, and I'm spiritually motivated. I want to go after all areas of society and culture. I want them for Christ, and if I get to use my skills and talents to help raise up disciples in these areas: then game on. But sometimes, you wonder whether you're actually making change with everything you're doing. There's a difference between throwing a bunch of paint at the wall, and using a roller to make a pristine new wall color. With the deluge of content… read more

Crowder v Daily Wire

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
I've been watching the whole controversy between Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire with interest. Not because I love drama and the resulting fall-out, but I think it has become a showcase in media contract negotiations and the state of conservative media. If you aren't caught up on the whole issue, I would highly suggest you go back to Crowder's first video in which he highlighted sections of a non-binding agreement with the name of the organization offering the agreement blacked out. He gives heavy, passionate criticism of certain sections, and argues that those sections are tantamount to aligning with Big Tech. The Daily Wire's Jeremy Boreing (co-CEO) took an hour to admit it was theirs, and respond in video form, going through the entire contract and putting forth why they… read more
Self-Evident Ministries