Education is the Problem

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
Recently, Bruno V Manno wrote an article at RealClearEducation describing the changes in education that have happened as a result of the Covid madness kids were forced to live through. While Manno describes many of these factors as a tragedy, I can't help but see the opportunity in this. No stimulus is stronger than a negative stimulus, and if it's painful enough, it makes people run the other way very quickly. Our school systems as an institution have been wobbly, shaky, failing centers of “education” for decades, and the system at a national level sat entrenched in its own refuse. It felt no compulsion to change things up or pursue different avenues. After all, why would they? Money flowed in by the billions for decades, and landed in the pockets of many of the most influential… read more

The Importance of the Father

Author: Mike Sonneveldt
Statistics are both beneficial and destructive. They are the siren song and the call of an angel. They are also an extremely deadly weapon in the hands of a master. Our statistics are brought out to present our case, however our case is created in presupposition. Despite the claims of many, there is no man who can guide without presupposition. It is inherent. In other words, y'all have your biases. Even us. But sometimes, the statistics are just so blatant that we cannot help but look in awe of the truth they uncover. Fatherly Stats The statistics showing the effect of lacking a father in the home are such a set of stats. No one can argue against the conclusion. So let's look at some of the data: As from the National Center for Fathering: -families without a father are … read more

Be Faithful with the Small Things

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
Be faithful in the small things It's easy to run after the big things. There's glory in the big, massive successes and few men can resist what that glory brings. But, glory is something that doesn't last. Just as quickly as it comes upon you, it leaves you stranded, alone and forgotten. Maybe some of you don't want glory. You don't want to have to even think about a major, world-changing success. While I could point to your lack of confidence as the source of that, what I will say is: I know you want at least a contented, purposeful life. You want something that fulfills you and gives you a reason to rise in the morning. That alarm clock is much easier to stop or beat to the punch if you have something burning inside you to work on and bring to completion. Heck, you just… read more

The Tactic of Fear after Roe v. Wade

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
Recently, signs have popped up in DC calling on a night of rioting. The cause? The presumed overturning of Roe v. Wade. The culprits that are taking credit for the whole “mission”? Jane's Revenge. Jane's Revenge is a terrorist group, (and I specifically name them as such) who have determined that the overturning of Roe v. Wade is such a threat to America, that the only recourse is to claim “open season” on pro-life groups and crisis pregnancy centers. Among their threats, they stated, “Your thirty days expired yesterday. We offered an honorable way out. You could have walked away. Now the leash is off. And we will make it as hard as possible for your campaign of oppression to continue.” Warning providers and employees of these organizations, they consider it now “open season” on them. … read more

Elon Musk: The Rorshach Test

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
There doesn't seem to be someone more of a light for the moths than Elon Musk these days. Whether liberal or conservative, opinions range widely and all seem to coalesce on what people think his politics might be. From progressive darling for heading a reasonable environmentalist movement to becoming the most feared billionaire on the face of the earth because he wanted to purchase Twitter; he's been at the center of their focus for some time. Conservatives have also suffered from whiplash in their emotions about Elon Musk. In 2010, Musk received a $465 million in federal loans to help support Tesla, a company many conservatives felt was flailing and taking advantage of green energy subsidies. Some reports cite as much as $4.9billion in government subsidies in total. The whole… read more
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