Missionary Heros: 7 Great Missionaries That Changed The World

Author: Andrew Alleman
Missionary Heroes: 7 Great Missionaries that Changed the World This is our curated list of 7 great missionaries who changed the world. Most people do not hear about the work and effect missionaries have across the world, and we felt it was time to shine a light on the legacy just a few dedicated Christians have left on the world at large. 1) George Muller: Faith For All Our Needs George Muller was a missionary, evangelist, and caretaker whom would found the Ashley Down New Orphanage Houses, also known as the Mueller Homes, between 1849 and 1870. When he began taking care of orphans in 1836 there were very few orphanages in Britain, and those that existed were run with slave labor. Muller was a man who walked the faith we are called to have for our… read more

The Shroud of Turin

Author: Andrew Alleman
Self Evident Apologetics- The Shroud of Turin: The “Photograph” of Jesus? What if I told you something exists akin to an actual photograph of Jesus? You would likely have great suspicion of that statement and expectedly assume this to be impossible. A precise image of Jesus during his time here on Earth? We know with God all things are possible, as our Lord himself stated. Met with enormous investigative intrigue, doubt from believers and non-believers alike, and confidence by those in awe of the experimental outcomes associated with it, we have the Shroud. More specifically referred to as the Shroud of Turin, due to being kept in Italy, it is an ancient linen cloth that appears to have been wrapped around a Man crucified, somehow capturing his image with extraordinary… read more

America's Great Awakening: Yesterday and Today

Author: Andrew Alleman
What was the Great Awakening and how does it relate to today? The Great Awakening was a series of events taking place almost three hundred years ago in which revival broke out all over North America. These revivals served as providential, Spirit-led drivers that activated God’s purpose in Christians as America’s founders. More so, they ignited and advanced the biblical-social foundations that birthed the American Revolution and our nation. The love of Christ brought forward this light and revelation, acting as a catalyst for the free-flow of information and opinion across all denominations. This was a critical time in the 18th century not only in the beginnings of American history but also in world history as a whole. Key participants of the First Great Awakening in the 18th… read more

Heal Our Land

Author: Gracie Wood
O LORD, heal our land Let mercy flow from Your outstretched hand Let peace descend at Your command We wait for the glory of the Son of Man We shall seek Your face That Your presence may be found in this place We shall not harden our hearts when we hear Your voice But at the Father’s correction we shall rejoice What is our people, O LORD, our King that You would find pleasure in our offering We do not have anything worthy to bring But Your delight is in Truth in the inward being Your Spirit is reaching out To release Your people from every doubt To give victory over every lie You remove the scales from our eyes LORD, we say, “come” The Spirit and the Bride say, “come” Let the one who hears say, “come” And to the… read more

Liberty And Consent

Author: Paul Garner
Can we talk about consent for a few minutes? A few years ago during the trial of Henry Weinstein the #MeToo move grew up as more women came forward claiming that they too were assaulted by Weinstein. Again during the hearings for confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the #MeToo movement grew in sympathy with the woman Kavanaugh was accused as assaulting back in college. It came about that these accusations were false but it inspired more women to come forward across the board. The #MeToo movement has truly brought the idea of consent to the foreground of public discourse in the recent past. Lunatic activists and opportunists aside, millions of American women have a legitimate grievance that men are not respecting their “no”. Millions of men are violating the… read more
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