3 Things to Pray For Corporately on August 25th

As many of you know we at Self-Evident Ministry have called for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. Our desire is to preserve what God established in America. National days of prayer and fasting were a common occurrence at the founding of this nation, and there was an understanding that they could not establish true freedom or true independence from Britain relying solely on their own strength. We as Patriots, Christians, and citizens need to be awakened to that understanding. 

On August 25th, we ask you to join us in prayer for this nation. We will be praying for 3 things cooperatively, and then we ask that you pray for this nation however God burdens your heart. 

3 Corporate Prayers:
– Divine providence from God. 
– Against the division that is happening to Americans.
– For the Church to rise up and take its right place. 

Self-Evident Ministries