Posts in Category: News

First Podcast

First Podcast
Self-Evident’s Massey Campos along with Eternal Agora’s Michael Sonneveldt, have teamed up and started a weekly podcast. These podcasts will be released every Tuesday. Please note, the YouTube videos are only a portion of the full podcast show.... read more

2017-2018 Year End Newsletter

Can you believe that it has been 2 years since we felt the call to start Self-Evident? We want to THANK YOU for your prayers, council, and support, to help us stay focused on reaching souls. We can’t begin to thank you enough! Its been a year of ups ... read more

Hurricane Irma Update

Quick update for all our supporters: We have decided to stay in Florida and ride out the hurricane. We are putting the camper in a storage warehouse and staying with some close friends. We are stocked up with water, food, gas, and the family... read more

Live Prayer for America

Live Prayer for America
Please feel free to make your own videos with your own prayers that you are lead to pray for this nation. We are grateful to be in this mission with all of you who love God first and foremost and who are willing to give of their lives and... read more

3 Things to Pray For Corporately on August 25th

As many of you know we at Self-Evident Ministry have called for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. Our desire is to preserve what God established in America. National days of prayer and fasting were a common occurrence at the founding of this ... read more
Self-Evident Ministries